Yoga, Personalized
By Winnie Yu for Completely YouI know you’re supposed to wear spandex and cute, stretchy little tops when you’re doing a downward dog. But these days, you’re more likely to find me dressed in my bathrobe and pajamas when I’m in a yoga pose. I call it “Bathrobe Yoga,” and I like to think of it as my own brand of yoga.
Like most moms, my time is tight. Although I’d prefer to do yoga two or three times a week, the reality is that I usually get to a class only once or twice a month. That’s why I’ve resorted to doing yoga in short spurts, most often at night when I’m in my pj’s and bathrobe.
I admit it isn’t exactly a pretty sight. While I’m watching TV at night -- or when I first wake up in the morning -- I’ll do some simple twists and bends, maybe a crescent lunge, or some cats and dogs. Sometimes, I’ll do the goddess pose or a rag doll. I can even do an occasional sun salutation -- all from the comfort of my home.
Could I change into my yoga clothes? Of course I could. But that would take time, and sometimes, I’m just that lazy. For me, it’s often easier to do something right then and there, when the mood to strike a pose strikes.
No doubt, my home practice lacks the rigor of the class I take at my local studio. I don’t hold the poses as long, and I probably don’t push myself as hard. And my attire certainly imposes some limits on my movements. But so far, it’s doing what I want it to do, which is to maintain my flexibility between classes.
Making time for things we love isn’t always easy. And it’s laughable to think of myself as a yogini in a fuzzy bathrobe. But sometimes, moms like me simply have to modify their activities and find new ways to do them. (For example, see how to do yoga while making breakfast.) That’s what Bathrobe Yoga is: my own unique way of doing the yoga I love, without worrying about wardrobe.
Tried yoga yet? Comment below or connect with me @Completely_You
Winnie Yu is Completely You’s mom blogger. She has two daughters (Samantha, 14, and Annie, 12) and is the author of seven books, including New Mother’s Guide to Breastfeeding and What to Eat for What Ails You. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including Woman’s Day, AARP Bulletin, Prevention and
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