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Welcome to The Smart Mom Manual. I'm Winnie Yu, mom blogger at CompletelyYou.com. My daughters, Samantha and Annie, are 14 and 12. Like most moms, I'm still trying to perfect the balancing act that we all know as motherhood in the modern world. Please don't hesitate to write to me as you read my blog. You can also tweet me @Completely_You. I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weeding out the Closet

By Winnie Yu for Completely You

It’s spring, and many people are outside weeding their gardens. Me? I’m inside weeding out my closet.

For years, I’ve kept clothes around that don’t really excite me. Sweaters that have gotten pilly. Pants that are too baggy. Sale items that I thought I’d wear but never did.Because I work from home, it’s easy to give little thought to my wardrobe. Instead, I tend to dress in a style that’s best described as practical. I wear what I wear to keep warm or feel comfortable. Rarely do I put on an outfit because I feel so absolutely fabulous in it.

This has to change. I don’t want to go through my days dressed in clothes simply for warmth. I want to actually revel in what I wear. When I do wear something I love, it makes me feel good and gives me more confidence. Shouldn’t we always feel that way?

It wasn’t always like this. When I worked in an office -- and even during a teaching stint -- I paid careful attention to what I wore. I made sure I actually liked the clothes I put on each morning and that I felt good wearing them.

These days, with no place to go and with a tight budget to boot, I restrict the clothes I buy. I must really need them -- or they have to be on sale -- in order for me to plunk down the credit card. I don’t ever buy clothes simply for the joy of having something special to wear. Most clothes I buy are for my kids: outfits for track, a dress for a dance, new shoes for a concert.

I’m sure many moms know what I’m talking about. But why should it be that way? Why should it always be that our family’s needs come before ours? What’s wrong with indulging in a new outfit just because you feel like it?

So this spring, my spring-cleaning involves a careful look at my closet. Out with the old, boring and useless. In with the new, fresh and fun.

Moms, how do you dress? Tell me I’m not the only practical one. … 

Winnie Yu is Completely You’s mom blogger. She has two daughters (Samantha, 14, and Annie, 12) and is the author of seven books, including New Mother’s Guide to Breastfeeding and What to Eat for What Ails You. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including Woman’s Day, AARP Bulletin, Prevention and WebMD.com.